Varnish Vanquished: Defeating Your Hydraulic System’s Biggest Enemy

Varnish buildup in hydraulic systems can lead to reduced system efficiency, increased maintenance costs, and even catastrophic failures. In this webinar, Chevron’s Technical Manager, Nathan Knotts will share his extensive knowledge and proven solutions to remove varnish and optimize system performance. Watch us perform a varnish cleaning demonstration where we'll put Chevron’s VARTECH™ Industrial System Cleaner to the test against a competing solution. Then, stay tuned for a Q&A session with Noria's lubrication expert, Bennett Fitch.

Key Topics:

• Understanding Varnish
• Varnish’s Impact on Hydraulic Systems
• Identifying the Early Warning Signs of Varnish Buildup
• Proactive Maintenance Strategies to Combat Varnish

Whether you're a maintenance engineer, reliability professional, or a hydraulic system operator, this webinar is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle varnish effectively. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance the reliability and longevity of your hydraulic systems.