

Practicing Oil Analysis September 2008

Featured Article

Jim Fitch, Noria Corporation

You cannot monitor your way to a healthy machine just like frequent tests for cholesterol and blood pressure do not make their readings lower. Or do they? Monitoring physical conditions brings...

Noria Corporation

It is common to guess at the cost of a project in its planning phase, only to realize later that your initial estimate was way off. Every project in maintenance follows a similar path from planning...

Matt Spurlock, Noria Corporation

Just how long can a lubricating oil last? This question is often asked not only in training seminars, but also by end users who utilize oil analysis for condition-based fluid changes. While it...

Ashley Mayer

As part of my job, I regularly present oil analysis training seminars. One of the tests we discuss is ferrous density. I find that this test is seldom well understood, and, probably as a result, is...

Drew Troyer

All of our sophisticated oil analysis tools, techniques and diagnostic processes are meaningless if the oil sample fails to effectively represent the actual condition of the oil in service in the...

Jonathan Sowers, ALS Staveley Services 

The benefits of extended-life coolants (ELC) with organic acid technology (OAT) additive chemistry are many. However, in order to receive those benefits, your fleet must properly maintain the...

Paul Froome, Kittiwake

Condition monitoring of machinery lubricants is an established method of predicting and avoiding impending machinery breakdown. With Kittiwake's ferrous debris monitoring technology, laboratories and...

Matthew Cassap, Thermo Fisher Scientific; Kevin Smith, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Predictive maintenance is the science of determining how and/or when a piece of equipment will break down. As a result of this, the analysis of used lubrication oil and engine oils for metals is...

Stacy Heston

The selection process for an oil laboratory is "in process", a "completed process", or not even a thought in your mind, but have you considered how to pay for your oil analysis? There are two...

Jim Fitch, Noria Corporation

The analysis of powertrain lubricants for the purpose of detecting faults and abnormal wear patterns is a useful practice in mobile equipment applications. Unfortunately for many users, these...

Colin Elliott, Active Spectrum Corporation; Chris White, Active Spectrum Corporation; James White, Active Spectrum Corporation

Free radicals are highly reactive chemical species that govern many fundamental chemical processes in nature, most notably combustion and oxidation. Until now, direct measurement of the composition...

Suzy Jamieson, ICML

There has been much discussion in the industry lately regarding the upcoming ISO 18436 standard series on training and certification of condition monitoring (CM) personnel. Many managers are...